Sustainability in Business, Governance and Education.
9th of September 2022 (Day 3)
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Sustainability in Business, Governance and Education.<br>9th of September 2022 (Day 3)<br>Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business<br>University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Sustainability in Business, Governance and Education.
9th of September 2022 (Day 3)
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Today marks the conclusion of a 3-day workshop for Sustainability in Business, Governance and Education organised by University of Plymouth in Collaboration with Western Iyamu Global Foundation held at Plymouth University, United Kingdom, with over 25 physically and virtually participants from across the globe. The event took a different dimension as structured topics were discussed by top-notch scholars and resource persons in line to advance governance, business and education.

The workshop topics include:

Sustainability in Higher Education (Dr Paul Warwick)

Sustainability and the skills Agenda (Dr Bonnie La Timer)

Early Childhood Education, setting the Foundation for lifelong Learning (Dr Vering Campbell-Barr)

The Workshop was an interactive session as all participants suggested possible solutions to the problems facing the Educational system all over the world, as it relates to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC).
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is increasingly seen as essential for developing both social and economic outcomes for children, their Families and wider society.
To buttress on possible educational reforms, ideas were drawn from the UN sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) framework especially SDG 4.7. The workshop also explored areas on how sustainability in education can provide an important platform for reconsidering its vision and purpose in the 21st Century.
At the climax of the workshop was the awarding of certificates to all participants for active participation in the 3 days’ workshop for Sustainability in Business, Governance and Education by the University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

To be part of this progressive moving train, visit our head office at Western Iyamu Global Foundation, #1 Giwa amu Street, GRA, Benin City or mail us @

There are more empowering opportunities with us, let’s talk investment, let’s talk sustainability, let’s talk growth…

#sustainability #governance #Education #plymouth #plymouthuniversity #westerners

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